Monday, March 25, 2013

The Thinking Makes It Real.

Dear friend,

The last days I've been thinking about this thinking thing :)

The reality is the result of what we think and honestly there no bigger power than that to make us capable of shaping and transform our reality. How many times you listen to what you are thinking? You see, sometimes I find myself struggling to understand and listen to what I think, or because I'm distracted or because I'm being entertained. Only with some music, specially the right music, it's possible to rapidly get our mind straight.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why Don't We Make Life Easy?

There is an explanation about why we like to make things difficult. 

When we think about that particular project or when e think about that specific dream, it can be opening a restaurant or a pub, or even a florist or a laundry, it's show time to our mastery on the ability of finding why it may not work and why it may only bring us a ton of work with little or no money. 

And we master that ability in perfect state of consciousness (at least we think) to prevent us of getting hurt or rejected. No one likes to get in trouble and only a few are capable of thinking in those situations as the real class to learn in life.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Don't Worry, Be Happy!

Almost everyone in the world is familiar with this quote, right? 

Did you ever realise that the massive opinion about this quote, relates to someone who smokes cannabis and get stoned?

That's right! There's a theory about this quote and in the opinion of the most successful man and women in this planet, the purpose of that theory is to make you believe that in case you adopt this "certain way" to face life and your feelings in general, you will be considered as "irresponsible" "childish" and that you will loose all your credit and posture. That can and will happen with those individuals who apply this "state of thinking" into an extreme and fanatic manner, almost getting away from the reality.

Monday, March 18, 2013

The Secret To Happiness???

Dear friend,

You know, this things of being happy, feeling great and balanced all the time has everything to do with the way we think. How do I know this? Because you also know this and in fact we all know this. The only diference is that I had someone who told me and explain me this in a way that I actually could feel and realise for myself. Yes, it's true! We only believe in things we feel and most part of the time we believe in what we don't want.

Wait a minute? How can we believe in things we don't want to believe? Is that possible?

Friday, March 15, 2013

For Those Who Really Matter!

Dear friend,

Nice that you opened my post because there's so much noise on the email world that we barely can talk for real with someone.

Some time ago one of my mentors, taught me the power we both have and in fact the power all human beings have!

And it's very simple. is the power of thinking!