Monday, March 18, 2013

The Secret To Happiness???

Dear friend,

You know, this things of being happy, feeling great and balanced all the time has everything to do with the way we think. How do I know this? Because you also know this and in fact we all know this. The only diference is that I had someone who told me and explain me this in a way that I actually could feel and realise for myself. Yes, it's true! We only believe in things we feel and most part of the time we believe in what we don't want.

Wait a minute? How can we believe in things we don't want to believe? Is that possible?

Look around you... if you take a good look around you, you will see things that you want everywhere but many of them you already gived up some time ago which in fact makes you believe that you don't want. When we feel defeated about some thing, we induce our brain... I mean... in fact what we do is, we teach our mind and our brains that we don't believe we will be able to obtain that specific thing into our life, ever!

Think about that!

When we do that, we teach our brain to inform us, constantly, that we will never get it and because of that we convince our mind that we don't even need it!
How many times you dreamed about that specific car that you really want, and suddenly there's a voice inside your head that tells you that you will never get it?

I don't know about you but even today that happens to me at all the time! I have a dream about a specific car and honestly I feel that he is coming in my way, fast!

How do I know that?

Look at this, did you ever feel that when you buy a new car, suddenly it seams that there's a lot of identical cars but in diferent colors that you don't even know that existed? Because you never noticed them, right? This is the power of our thinking changing in real live! LIVE! As humans, we have the sense and the ability to identify the changes in our thoughts, and the power of influence our habits accordingly. Guess what, we really believe in what we think and is the thinking that makes it so!

Great man and women achieved great successes and huge levels of fulfillment just because the method they used to teach and trained the way there mind should think at all the time. Margaret Thatcher, Opera, Paul Mc Cartney, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Cleopatra, Jesus, Vivaldi, Joan D'arc, Einstein, Houdini, Angelina Jolie, among many many others... characters that we all aknowledge as great personalities or memories. We have a rush of thinking when we mix things up and join feelings with thoughts. Remember this, we feel what we think! Basicaly what we feel is simply what we are thinking at the moment!

So let's catch things up!

If you already notice the point here, I've just made you feel, in just a few minutes, belief, disbelieve, doubt, certain and I even played some music for you...

Really, when I got the advice of writing this stuff, it was because I was already talking about this subjects and methods all the time, with everyone!

I promise I won't be boring but as a amateur writer, I've prepared some subjects like the family, the work, the vacations, the car, the house, the love or the lack of it, our kids, the happiness, the joy, the belief and of course the thinking around all that stuff. :)

By the way, I'll be posting this writing on this blog:

Feel free to follow by email and never miss a single chapter of this chronicle, and please give me your comments about what you like the most about this concept of teaching our thinking to think the right thoughts, simply using the method of the repetition.

Kind regards,

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