Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Why Don't We Make Life Easy?

There is an explanation about why we like to make things difficult. 

When we think about that particular project or when e think about that specific dream, it can be opening a restaurant or a pub, or even a florist or a laundry, it's show time to our mastery on the ability of finding why it may not work and why it may only bring us a ton of work with little or no money. 

And we master that ability in perfect state of consciousness (at least we think) to prevent us of getting hurt or rejected. No one likes to get in trouble and only a few are capable of thinking in those situations as the real class to learn in life.

Think about this, it's documented that everyone is doing their best to avoid annoying situations and massive problems, like being unemployed, like experiencing lack of money, like losing physical capabilities and most important of all, nobody is interested in not feeling good and in harmony.

By the way, let me put things straight!

I'm not inventing this writings myself and I'm not trying to sell anything. I just want to make this clear because I'm getting some feedback from people who email me with business opportunities and also from people who think I'm trying to sell something. For this last one's I want to say something, If I wanted to sell this book, I wouldn't publish it this way in the first place, because I would be concerned about the royalties from the book. And for the other one's i just want to say that I'm not interested in new joint ventures at this moment!

This words I am writing is simply my own version on how more people can and will learn this information to become better a person, to live more happy, to become more lucky and having things more easy!

With my own version I mean that I will resume trillions of data and bytes that I've been studying for some years in a more easy way for you to understand this concepts and into a more easy way for you to digest this methods and information faster. I want you to be able to change your life for the better and fast!

This is an incredible mission that I'm finally assuming after all this years, and by bringing forth the knowledge and the temporary facts of the world we live in, I believe I'm placing my mark in this planet, even if I get to help just one more person!

Don't forget that if you want to get an email anytime I publish one post, FOLLOW BY EMAIL!

At the top of any page in this blog you have the option to submit your email and get a message every time I publish any material. Don't worry, it's not a list and no one will try to sell you anything or even send you any email. It's really from the Blogger itself and it's just a way for you to follow the birth of this book, live and in color.

By the way, don't know if you notice but you can comment my posts, please feel free to do it because I'll be more then happy to hear from you what questions comments or observations you have to my work, and at the same time write your name in this book as well.

Lot's of Love,

Frederico Coelho
(Don't worry, I have a website just to offer you free material like a audios and books)

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